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Donation Amount | $ |
Charged Amount | ₺ (1 $ = 36,2806 ₺) |
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In Turkey, more than 1 million children are out of school ! Many, especially orphans, are forced to work instead of studying.
Families hve suffered from unemployment, not having a regular job and earning less than minimum wage, have led to high levels of poverty is a common problem among them. Due to the economic hardship, education might not be a priority for families while still striving to survive and also the school expenses might not be affordable for some parents.
Scope of the Program
Financial support will be provided for school-age children in conflict affected families with child labor and/or financial deprivation to be included in/continue their education. With this support, it contributes to the household budget of families in need, eliminating the need for children to work and enabling them to continue their education and maintain their individual development in a healthy environment. Financial support will be provided to the families of the child(s) who are at risk of attending school, and the regular school attendance follow-up of the children will be provided by the project team. In addition, students will be provided with support for the problems they experience at school in line with their needs.
Within the scope of this donation, the following supports will be provided to the children/families;
With Your Donations We Provide Children/Their Families With;
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